Jason Tucker

Jason Tucker

Say hello to Jason Tucker, sweetpotato farmer, husband, and proud dad of four daughters. Jason farms 350 acres in California’s Merced County. He also keeps busy through volunteer work, both at church and the girls’ school, and attends as many of their sporting events as possible. “We are a very active family,” he says.

Matt Alvernaz

Matt Alvernaz

Matt Alvernaz is a 4th generation sweetpotato farmer and grandson of one of California’s sweetpotato pioneers, “Sweetpotato Joe” Alvernaz. “Farming isn’t the easiest path, but it’s the life we love,” says Matt.

Nolan Mininger

Nolan Mininger

Meet Nolan Mininger, husband, father of four beautiful girls—plus a puppy named Mario!—and sweetpotato farmer. “I love the challenge of each new day” on the land, says Nolan. “And the array of crops produced in the San Joaquin Valley is incredible to behold.”

Bob Weimer

Bob Weimer

Meet Bob Weimer, who with his brother Walt, is a 2nd generation California Sweetpotato farmer. “I’ve been on the farm since I was born,” says Bob, “and have been farming pretty much all of my adult life.”